Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A few of my favorite things!

It has so long since I have had the time or taken the time to blog here. Life has been a hot mess this year of one thing after another. The kids are getting older and more activities are involved so they keep me in the road and out of my blog and sewing room.

I have just finished my "busy season" in my Christmas shop. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, I try not to get into it much on this blog out of respect for a large number of my friends who don't celebrate Christmas, but you know, its business :)

Going to be working on some new projects in the coming year. I am scheduling some time in my sewing room each week and I am going to stick to it.

You know there is nothing like spending your life in your sewing room for 3 weeks, only to find out you have been undercharging for all your products after the season is over. I think one of the hardest things to do is price your items. There is a HUGE difference between pricing on Handmade items and retail items. I try to keep my prices reasonable. But I have found that for the custom work I do I have greatly under priced my work.....oh well, balancing act....still gonna work on that :)
I have a few minutes here at my computer before we run out for some goodies. so I decided to share a few things from my favorite shops.

First up, beautiful jewelry, from Sky Hawk Designs! This lovely Snowflake Howlite & Crystal pendant

I LOVE kaleidoscopes!!!! All types all sizes, all colors, just love them and this lovely shop is full of them. I just fell in love with this one in their shop!

I have never been a coffee drinker, until about the last year, and now I love it! I don't have to have it every day, but with some sugar and fancy creamer, you can twist my arm to drink it :) I found this lovely shop in a chat room one night and I just love their hand thrown pottery, especially this mug!

Okay last thing for today, I love braided rugs, my grandmother had them in her living room and dining room the whole time I was growing up, but it is a dying art. This shop has some beautiful examples of handmade braided rugs and I found this one particularly beautiful.

Thank you all for following me over the past year! Best wishes to you and your families.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fall is coming

Can you feel it in the air yet? I said to my husband today as I looked out on the backyard through the pouring rain, autumn is on its way. He laughed at me, realizing that we were standing in the kitchen up to our elbows in 10 quarts of tomatos to be canned. Surrounded by green beans, cucumbers, squash and an assortment of other veggies from the garden.

There may be at least 2 more months of harvest from our little home garden, but I still stand by the fact that the late summer rain that is rolling in is a definite sign :0

I love Autumn! It is my favorite time of the year, a time when there is a crispness to the air like a sweet apple when you bite it. When you can smell wood smoke in the air and smell the boiled peanuts as you cruise down the back is coming, I can smell it, I can hear it, and I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!

I can't wait for my creative juices to begin flowing again.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The never ending struggle

I am currently at a place where I find myself every few months, with so much going on in my life that I don't have time to craft, create, or even imagine. I envy the women who seem to find the time to do all the things that they want, or even need to do.

So I haven't been creating lately, and to be honest I am not sure what, if anything I want to continue to do with my shop. Nothing is selling, no matter how good the picture, how cute the fabric, how I manipulate the price.....just no luck. So I am taking a few weeks to decide whether or not I am going to continue on Etsy, at least with the Jenjie shop.

Last Christmas I did fairly well with stockings, so I will hang out a little bit longer with Mrs Claus Sewing Room shop.

I have a ton of fabric and I do truly enjoy sewing......what to do, what do to???? Do you have thoughts? Please share them with me.

In the mean time I want you to all know how much I appreciate the fact that you read my blog. I am going to continue finding Etsy items I love and sharing them with you.

Happy Crafting & shopping!


Monday, April 26, 2010

Mother's Day Gift Guide

For me there is no one more deserving of recognition than my mother. She is my hero, my guide, my friend. So in honor of all mother's and in a hope that I can help you get some shopping done and support Etsy artists, I am happy to present my Mother's Day Gift Guide.

Our first item was a very super cute owl made from re purposed kitchen items. Focus on Art uses all sorts of items from tea strainers, to bottle caps to create these amazing little owls. Stop by and browse through the many versions of these lovely creatures at Focus on Art

Next we have Jewels For Hope, this is a family run business where everyone does a little bit to contribute to this diverse shop. Simply lovely items including, necklaces, bracelets, rings, crochet items, all are reasonably priced, I promise that you will find something you will love here. You can find them at

Do you have a crafty Mom or Grandma, or maybe you want to suggest this for yourself. Sarah's Stitches has a lovely spring print knitting needle organizer. It would make the perfect gift for the knitter in your life. You can find this shop and browse all her lovely items,

Another lovely jewelry selection is this Natural Olive Jade Tiger Eye necklace, the lovely green colors remind me of a rolling river and would make a wonderful accessory to any wardrobe. Handspun Jewelry has a large selection of beautiful jewelry at extremely reasonable prices.

Fused glass is something I had never seen before Etsy, or maybe if I had I didn't know the beautiful creative process that goes into making these wonderful items. My Sassy Glass,, has some of the most lovely fused glass items I have seen. I am sure that you will love this item called Tennessee Waltz:

Is relaxation on your list? A gift from Sensual Scents Bath & Body will hit the spot. My favorite is lavender so I picked the gift basket filled with full of goodies scented lavender. This shop has everything from candles to laundry soap,

Lilian Eve Designs has so many lovely items that I spent a little bit longer than normal browsing through this shop. I was drawn back to these pillow cases many times, their lovely colors just POP!

Have a coffee lover in your life? Stop by Mystic Moon Creations Try a crocheted coffee cozy instead of the ho hum cardboard ones you find in your local coffee shop. These are eco friendly, last forever, and make a fashion statement at the same time!
Imaginary Girl is a vintage and jewelry shop full of fun and interesting pieces, so many lovely things to choose from. This beautiful item is a 1940's brooch full of beautiful stones on a silver chain. Stop in and visit this lovely shop at

Scarves are on my list of favorites, if you are a follower of this blog you probably know that because at least one seems to appear on every gift guide. This shop Yard by Yard Knits, has some of the loveliest scarves I have found on Etsy. The Carnival Criss Cross Scarf is full of brilliant colors and a wonderful unique pattern. There is no greater love story than that of a mother and child, so from The Ruby Rhinestone,, I chose these Blue Willow Love Story earrings.

I don't know a single mother or grandmother that doesn't love to show off their kids in pictures. What better way to show of those smiling faces than a Brag Book! Find a lovely selection at The Scrapoholic Shop:
Now then, go do some shopping! Your Mom deserves the best and you can find that on Etsy. Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms, Grandmas, Nanas, Nannies, Aunts, or whatever you call that special woman who has made an impact in your life!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mother's Day Gift Guide

I am still looking for shops to feature in my Mother's day gift guide. Do you have an item you would like to have added? Just comment here and include a link to your item and I will add you to the new addition.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I was just looking at my blog and realized I haven't blogged in 2 months! That makes me really sad because I love my blog and I didn't realize it had been that long. My home computer died in January and I was using a loner for a while but I was unable to blog. The good news is I am back, I have a new laptop and I am super excited about getting back into the groove of things.

I am gathering shops for a Mother's Day gift guide and I will have that put together and posted in the next couple of days, so keep your eyes open for that one.

Have a wonderful week!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

My most favorite time of the day

This is my favorite time of the day. It is early, at least for my household, morning and everyone is still in the bed. The house is completely silent aside from the thumping of my fingers on the keys as I type this blog. I can even hear the radio from the basement as I sit here, muffled and vibrating with the occasional moany sound when someone hits a high note. It is here in this complete silence where I can envision that next thing I will create. It is here that clarity visits me and erases the chaotic thoughts of motherhood and responsibility.

I have found since I have become an "at home Mom and homeschooler" that this place in time is where everything is going to make sense to me. When I commuted to work, I had 2 hours in the morning of silence to pray, sing, think, reason and 2 hours in the afternoon to clear the chaos of the day away. Now while I don't miss that commute AT ALL!!!! I miss the silence.

I need the quiet for my brain to hear my heart and complete the circle of creativity. So here on this chilly Sunday morning before I wake anyone I can see new designs in my head, I can jot notes about ideas, I can blog about the process which I love.

Happy Sunday Everyone! Hope it is quite and peaceful for you too.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

I stand corrected.... and other thoughts

Well if you read my last blog you saw that I questioned that the fans from the link love movement really loved my shop or were just seeking large numbers. This blog was motivated from another shop who observed that their fans numbers were moving during the day, up and down. I, too, had noticed that same sort of movement and knowing that I don't overly update to the point that I feel like I am being annoying ;) I was thinking that some had become my fans just temporarily.

I will say that since link love I have made two sales in a week and I have nothing to attribute it to other than great exposure. I haven't add any new items, or re listed any more frequently than I normally do. I know, I know two sales in a week is not a rush!!! But when you are struggling to get noticed it is a reason for celebration! So on the Link Love subject I stand corrected, and as I said in my last blog, I WELCOME all fans, no matter why you are here! The more the merrier. For whatever reason you fanned me, I hope you will stick around, comment, like, and suggest me to your friends.

Now the other thing I have on my mind with regards to crafting, sewing, Etsy and the like.

It is this, Handmade is NOT Cheapmade. This is driving me crazy! I see time and again on Etsy's Alchemy request for items where the ideal price is grossly understated.

I can't attest to all mediums, but buying hand sewn items is generally not cheaper than buying at a chain store. One of the big reasons for this is the cost of fabric. The fabric that we buy is in a smaller volume. We don't get the by the bolt price, even though most of us would love to have bolts of fabric! Typically we purchase in small volume from a local retailer whenever possible. Along with fabric, there is buttons, elastic, zippers, liners, and all those together will cost more than a factory produced item. All that without factoring in the cost of the labor to produce. I am sure that the challenge that seamstresses face are similar to those of other artist who create all the amazing items you can find on Etsy or other handmade sites.

When you shop handmade do it with these things in mind. You are creating true Economic stimulus! Handmade artist are producing their items locally and general stimulating that local economy. You are getting an item from an artist who is passionate about what they create and about your experience with their product. Your returning business and referrals to your friends are what drives their future success. They are invested in you! If a mega store loses your business, there is always another customer to replace you. With handmade, if we lose your business, we have lost a lot! While we hope to provide you with a product that is a value, it will not necessarily be a "deal" compared to the retail market.

I love to see all my blog followers and I encourage you to comment my blog, tell me what you like, give me your opinions! I want to hear from you!

Stop in and see me soon!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Link you really love my link?

How many of us have been riding the Link Love train? Don't know what I am talking about? If you have a Facebook Fan Page there is a movement out to increase your fans. Discusssion pages are being created for us all to share the url for our fan pages, etsy shops, blogs, twitters, flickr, or what ever else you may have to promote your business.

It is so much fun to click on all the links, see all the beautiful shops and learn about the great artist that create the items. I have become a fan of an obscene amount of shops, I think I am currently at about 370 or so. I know that is a crazy amount, but I am truly fascinated by what people create and what they have to say about what they create. Even in my spare time I search for how to's, tutorials, other blogs on crafting. So for me it is a real desire to be a fan. But is everyone who fanned my site in the last 2 weeks or so truly my fan?

I saw a post by another shop yesterday who said, "my numbers are moving, I gain a fan and lose a fan", she wondered if the people who had become her fans were really interested in fiber. She sales amazingly beautiful dyed fibers, but how many people really use them. While there is a large "bucket" of knitters, crocheters and felters out there, are all her fans really interested in buying her product.

I have to wonder the same thing, I have had my Jenjie shop for over a year now and my sales would be considered dismal by most. Although I am excited by every sale. I have over 200 fans on my Facebook page for this shop, I know of two sales I have made to fans. Now don't get me wrong I am truly grateful for even two sales, and for every single fan. But like my friend in the fiber arts I wonder if some are clicking just to click..........However, on the other hand, if you clicked and added me maybe I will create something that will spark your interest after all!

So I will just go on creating things that I love and I hope you will love, and hopefully my fans will come to love my items and find something they just have to have. I look forward to more and more fans, however I can get them :)

Today I am creating a new T shirt design that my one of my dear friends suggested last night, a reverse applique design with a wine glass design! I am so super excited about it I can hardly wait to get downstairs and make it.

And if you haven't fanned my page, come on down! I have a link love page too, so share you links!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Valentine's Day on Etsy

Love is in the air.... why is it when I say that it is in a little sing song voice in my head? I also immediately think of "The Love Boat" any of yall remember that? It was one of my favorite shows when I was growing up. Most people would say ( in a really fake voice) " Oh I am dating myself", but not me. I am so happy to be over 20 and under 50 that I don't care if you know how old I am! I do not however want you to see all my gray hair, and so I will be coloring that today! Okay, okay I digress........ This is suppose to be a Valentine's gift guide of sorts!

Many of you, I hope, have seen my gift guides in the past months. I hope they brought you ideas for your loved ones gifts. For me they are just another excuse to browse Etsy shops. I have to get you all on board with this. Etsy is like window shopping on steroids. EWWW or like potato chips once you get started you just can't stop until someone unplugs your computer.

So here are some shops that have some really cute items for gifts. These can be Valentine's or Brithday gifts, they are all occasions!

This first section is jewelry, I don't make jewelry but I am so in awe of the wonderful selection of jewelry on Etsy.

First up is Finding Charm, This shop is offering free US Shipping and has really lovely items that are great occasions. Check out this piece with lovely red silk beads: LiciaBeads:, I had so many options from this shop I almost couldn't choose. I was drawn to this one because of the name, "Entangled", and isn't that what love is? We become entangled in those we love, we share their hopes, dreams, loves!
Meredithbead,, has a large selection of jewelry groupings. There are a large selection of Judaica, African, Thai, Chinesse, and the list goes on. I asked everyone to send me a link to their favorite listing, Merideth sent me 3 links, two that were favorites of shoppers and one that was her favorite. I choose her favorite, because when an artist has a favorite then there is something special about it!
The Gleeful Peacock,, shared this lovely headband that would be perfect for any age lady in your life. It has a beautiful lacy feel to it and is really feminine. JennJennD's shop,, has a wonderful assortment of all sorts of items. Most of them look good enough to eat. These charms are perfect for bracelets, necklaces, anklets, well just about anything. You can give your sweet a sweet, and not have to work it off in the gym ;)

Valentine's Day has never really been a thing for my husband and I, in fact in 17 years of marriage, I can only really remember one Valentine's when we ever did anything special. So I am always curious this time of the year at what you do for the men in your life, so as a side note comment me and tell me what you do.

Okay so on to other options, if you are not into jewelry there are other options. In fact there are so many I can't cover them all in one blog, so I am going to leave you with a few more cuties and then you can stay tuned for another addition.

This one is from Michelle's Clay Corner,, who has an amazing assortment of original handmade clay items. Michelle loves creating custom items so if this item inspires you go visit her shop and see what you can find, or message her for a custom item. Creating your own valentines cards, scrapbook, memory book? Check out this shop for some really cute appliques! Fabric4U,, they have several to choose from!

Or how about these die cuts, beautiful yellow roses are a wonderful break from traditional red! ScrapingMom1221,, has lovely, lovely choices , lips, hearts, and much much more to use on your sweeties card. Nothing says I love you more than a handmade card!
And for those of us who don't make our own cards, there is The Paper Button, I am a big fan of the handwritten sentiment and this is the perfect solution, a beautiful card that you can write your own message on. This is one of many lovely choices:

Lastly I have a couple of pillows, both of these pillows send a clear message to your loved one about how you feel.

First is Petette shop, , this shop has amazing pillows with all sorts of great messages, lovely colors and great designs. Check out this pillow that tells your loved one your heart belongs to them, you are "Sold" out in love!

And last but not least, My shop!, go check out this fun mood pillow. I love to do custom work, so let me know if you want a different color to fit your bedroom, or even if you want a different message. This one shows your honey whether Tonight will be the night or NOT!!!!

So I hope you found something lovely, that will inspire you for whatever your gift need! Go check out these shops, or any of the wonderful shops on Etsy.

More to come this month, now that things have slowed down a bit I will be blogging more!

Happy Shopping!
